Bag Of Black Jelly Beans
What Are the Rules of Bean Bag Toss?

Edible bean bag toss is played past throwing bean bags at an angled board, and scoring is based on where the bags land. Players alternate throwing the bean bags at the board until one person or team scores 21 points and wins the game.
Bean bag toss can exist played by two or four players, and the play varies depending on the number of players. Both players throw their bags at the same board during a two-actor game. The players alternating until each actor has thrown iv bags. The player with the highest score earns a point for the circular.
Two boards are used for a iv-player game. A member of each team faces each lath, and each round is conducted similar ii two-actor games. The team members combine their scores, and the squad with the highest score earns a point.
The board is e'er a rectangle with a circle in the center. In some types of play, the lath has a slot above the circle. Landing a edible bean pocketbook on the lath earns a player one point. Getting a handbag into the circumvolve earns the player three points, and throwing a bag into the slot earns the player five points.
Bag Of Black Jelly Beans,
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