
Phenol To Kill Nail Bed

Phenolization or Phenol matricectomy

Table of Contents1 Abstract2 Technique3 Bibliography YOURS QUESTIONS ABOUT PHENOLIZATION Abstract Boll described phenolization in the United States as early every bit 1945. Phenol matricectomy is a very useful process and is used whenever it is necessary to destroy role of or a whole smash. Numerous matricectomy techniques have been described: electrocoagulation, carbon dioxide laser photocoagulation, […]

Author : Dr Philippe Abimelec
Concluding scientific update : November 2016



Boll described phenolization in the United States as early every bit 1945. Phenol matricectomy is a very useful procedure and is used whenever it is necessary to destroy part of or a whole nail. Numerous matricectomy techniques have been described: electrocoagulation, carbon dioxide laser photocoagulation, partial surgical excision of a lateral boom crescent including the boom, nail bed and corresponding matrix, etc.

Phenol matricectomy is a elementary technique; information technology is conducted at the dr.'due south practice under local anaesthesia. The sequels of the process are straightforward and cause trivial hurting; its results compare favourably with the best techniques (less than 3% recurrences).

Phenol is a colourless crystal derived from coal. Information technology is a bactericide [>1 %], fungicide [>i.three%] and a local anaesthetic. At concentrations over eighty%, phenol coagulates proteins. Used on big pare areas (as in chemical peelings of the whole face), phenol is toxic (heart and kidneys).

Phenolization is indicated in the treatment of ingrown nails (juvenile ingrown nail, pincer nail) or to destroy very thick nails where no medical treatment can be used. Severe vascular disorders are the merely contra-indication to the use of the technique.


Local amazement is achieved by two xylocain injections in the base of the toe.

The foot is carefully scrubbed with an antiseptic. A sterile surgical field and a tourniquet are needed to ensure phenol efficacy.

The dermatologist removes the narrow strip of nail that penetrates the flesh: a 3mm wide strip is removed on the whole length of the boom. In club to destroy the "root" of the boom, 88% phenol is practical for approximately 60 seconds using a small spatula.

Application de phénolisation


Phenol application

Immediately later on phenol application


A dressing (antibiotic ointment, dressing gauze and adhesive band) is applied on the toe.

Postoperative pain is express (pain on pressure or on walking), a standard painkiller is nonetheless indicated. Most patients can render to school or work immediately afterwards the procedure.

Limited drainage is usual for two to 4 weeks later on phenolization. Postoperative intendance is given everyday: antiseptic soaks, awarding of antibiotic ointment, dressing gauze and agglutinative band.

Complications are very uncommon, the risk of infection is low.

Recurrence rates (2 to 3%) are like to those of other techniques. The occurrence of a "nail fragment" requires a new procedure, easily accustomed by the patients.

Patients are generally very pleased with the results, they are satisfied with the process (especially when they have previously experienced traditional surgery) due to the absence of pain and to the possibility of going dorsum to work immediately.

Juvenile ingrown blast before phenolization

Juvenile ingrown smash after phenolization


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Phenol To Kill Nail Bed,


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